Gold rallied high to touch new high of Rs 21,232/10 gm during early morning on Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) Monday. Bullish overseas market and weak rupee against dollar propelled the prices to gain. Global market has been ruling high on deepening stir in Libya, which bolstered investor to seek gold as refuge investment. Silver also shot up to hit new record high on the back of international spot which broke 30-year high price. Silver gained more than 1.5 per cent.
MCX's most active April contract at Rs 21,187, up Rs 89 and so far moved between Rs 21,232- 21,111/10gm. Contract volume was 2,693 lots.
MCX gold mini most active March contract traded at Rs 21,186/10 gm, up Rs 87 and fluctuated between Rs 21,230- 21,109/10gm. Volume was 5,298 lots.
Most active silver March contract shot up Rs 795 at Rs 54,212/kg and so far made intra-day high and low of Rs 54,378- 53,500/kg so far. Volume so far was 8,097 lots.
MCX silver mini April contract surged by Rs 796 at Rs 54,209/kg and traded between Rs 54,375- 53,510/kg. Volume recorded 12,704 lots.
MCX gold mini most active March contract traded at Rs 21,186/10 gm, up Rs 87 and fluctuated between Rs 21,230- 21,109/10gm. Volume was 5,298 lots.
Most active silver March contract shot up Rs 795 at Rs 54,212/kg and so far made intra-day high and low of Rs 54,378- 53,500/kg so far. Volume so far was 8,097 lots.
MCX silver mini April contract surged by Rs 796 at Rs 54,209/kg and traded between Rs 54,375- 53,510/kg. Volume recorded 12,704 lots.