हॉट कमोडिटी में आज जिंक पूरे बेस मेटल्स पैक में सबसे ज्यादा की बढ़त के साथ कारोबार कर रहा है। वहीं एक्सपोर्ट खुलने की उम्मीद से चीनी में भी आज तेजी आई है। साथ ही विदेशी बाजार में गिरावट की वजह से एमसीएक्स पर क्रूड पाम तेल भी दो फीसदी तक टूट चुका है। पूरे बेस मेटल्स पैक में सिर्फ निकेल ही आज गिरावट के साथ कारोबार कर रहा है। हालांकि शुरुआती कारोबार के मुकाबले ये गिरावट अब थोड़ी कम हो गई है। लेकिन इंट्राडे में निकेल ने 1,200 रुपये के नीचे भी कारोबार किया। सोने और चांदी के हाजिर भाव में आज हल्की गिरावट आई है। एमसीएक्स पर भी सोने-चांदी में सुस्त कारोबार हो रहा है।
MCX's most active April contract at Rs 20,963, up Rs 10 and so far moved between Rs 20,974- 20,940/10gm. Contract volume was 1,520 lots.
MCX gold mini most active April contract traded at Rs 20,954/10 gm, up Rs 11 and fluctuated between Rs 20,978- 20,932/10gm. Volume was 2,622 lots.
Most active silver May contract gained Rs 118 at Rs 54,175/kg and so far made intra-day high and low of Rs 54,280- 54,090/kg so far. Volume so far was 4,259 lots.
MCX silver mini April contract moved up Rs 121 at Rs 54,180/kg and traded between Rs 54,370- 54,080/kg. Volume recorded 6,912 lots.
MCX gold mini most active April contract traded at Rs 20,954/10 gm, up Rs 11 and fluctuated between Rs 20,978- 20,932/10gm. Volume was 2,622 lots.
Most active silver May contract gained Rs 118 at Rs 54,175/kg and so far made intra-day high and low of Rs 54,280- 54,090/kg so far. Volume so far was 4,259 lots.
MCX silver mini April contract moved up Rs 121 at Rs 54,180/kg and traded between Rs 54,370- 54,080/kg. Volume recorded 6,912 lots.
Aluminium March contract traded at Rs 114.85 10:29 am IST and opened the session at Rs 115.20 per kg. It moved between Rs 115.20- 114.80 per kg. Total volume so far recorded at 154 lots.
Copper April contract traded at Rs 429.35 per kg, up Rs 1.50 at 10:29 am IST and traded in the range of Rs 429.70- 428.80 per kg. Total volumes so far recorded 3,443 lots.
Lead March contract currently traded at Rs 120.45/kg, up Re 0.30. The session opened at Rs 120.45 per kg and so far fluctuated in the range of Rs 120.90- 120.00 per kg. Total volumes recorded 776 lots.
Nickel March contract traded at Rs 1,198.50/kg, down Rs 7.20 and moved between Rs 1,200.60- 1,197.10 per kg. Volume so far recorded 1,973 lots. It had opened the session at Rs 1,200.60 per kg.
Copper April contract traded at Rs 429.35 per kg, up Rs 1.50 at 10:29 am IST and traded in the range of Rs 429.70- 428.80 per kg. Total volumes so far recorded 3,443 lots.
Lead March contract currently traded at Rs 120.45/kg, up Re 0.30. The session opened at Rs 120.45 per kg and so far fluctuated in the range of Rs 120.90- 120.00 per kg. Total volumes recorded 776 lots.
Nickel March contract traded at Rs 1,198.50/kg, down Rs 7.20 and moved between Rs 1,200.60- 1,197.10 per kg. Volume so far recorded 1,973 lots. It had opened the session at Rs 1,200.60 per kg.
Zinc March contract traded at Rs 103.35, up Re 0.45 and traded between Rs 103.50- 103.30 per kg. Total volumes recorded 1,320 lots.